Ways to Improve and Lighten Up Home Interior

Where there is darkness, let there be light.” It is a famous quote by Francis of Assisi used as a metaphor to spread wisdom, but you can use it in describing a home. A home without a light is full of darkness and feels like there’s no life inside. Without a light, you can not correctly do the chores, play with kids, and appreciate the aesthetics of your home.

Adding the proper lighting to your home doesn’t require many skills. Choosing the perfect lighting in your home will only depend on your taste and preferences. However, some homeowners still struggle to improve and lighten up their homes. So how can you light up every corner of your house? Here’s how to upgrade your home lighting to enhance your interior lighting.

Regularly Wash or Clean your Windows

It may be evident for some homeowners, but some forget that windows also need cleaning. When windows get untouched for an extended period, they can become foggy and block the sun’s rays from entering your home. Aside from the usual effects when windows are not adequately cleaned, they can also create cracks and slight damage.

One of the easiest ways to improve your home’s lighting is to clean your windows. You can do it just by using a cloth to wipe away all the dirt. There are a lot of ways how you can easily clean up your windows. Once the dust can no longer be seen in the window, you can already tell the difference in the lighting, from dirty to clean windows.

Choose a focal point for your lighting

The key to lightening up your interior is to have a focal point for your fixtures and not just placing your lighting fixtures wherever you just want it to be. Randomizing your fixtures won’t lighten up your interior, it would ruin the direction of the lightings and can avoid the spot where you want point the light. The solution for this to have a centerpiece lighting and accessorize with other lightings on the side.

An example that you can try is adding a chandelier at the center of your room. The objective of this feature is to have a visual clarity on your home. You would want to avoid a lightings in your interior. If you have a smaller space or on a fixed budget and can’t afford a chandelier, you can make a lampshade or any tall lamp to be to a focal point of your lighting.

Ditch heavy and thick curtains

Aside from maintaining your window’s cleanliness, removing heavy and thick curtains is another easy step to lighten up your room. Although having heavy-duty curtains is excellent for privacy, it is not a great choice if you want to expose sunlight in your interiors. If you wish for privacy and lighting in your room, installing blinds for your windows is the best choice.

Window blinds are much easier to access and won’t block too much sunlight without ruining your privacy. Also, it won’t absorb the sunlight too much. If you prefer an aesthetic look with your interior’s lighting improvements, it is time to install blinds in your room.

Be smart with your mirror’s placements

Sunrays bounce off your wall, floor, ceiling, and window. Painting your walls white is nice to maximize how the sunrays bounce off in your rooms. However, strategically place your mirrors if you want a better way to lighten your house. For example, place your mirror opposite a window. It will reflect all the light it receives, so you will have natural lighting in your room without hurting your eyes with the brightness.

Placing your mirrors can have great results. It can also make your interior look spacious. But if you want to use artificial lighting, install your mirrors on the wall and place them together to resemble a gallery wall.

Fix your Living Room’s Media Lightings

Living rooms are typically faced with the television; the primary light source comes from the appliances. A typical home living room often has dim lighting to avoid disrupting the experience of watching the television. However, it is also a great way to lighten up your interior space once done strategically.

Install curtains or blinds in your living room to block the sun rays but don’t overdo it so that the natural lighting can still get inside your room. Also, although you have your light source from the television, it is better to place lampshades and recessed lightbulbs so that your living room still has proper lighting, even if you have many fixtures installed.

Rearrange your furniture

Furniture can be a beautiful addition to your home but, simultaneously, a hindrance if you want to achieve a well-lit room. Tall furniture can block the windows from letting the light get into your home, and extensive furniture can prevent the reflection of the sunlight. Instead of adding more lighting to your space, you can easily rearrange your furniture.

From time to time, change the arrangement of your furniture. The best way to place your furniture is to keep them from blocking your windows, stick to minimalist furniture, use furniture made from light materials to keep the sunlight from entering your room, and lastly, place your sofa and another table away from corners to avoid having dark areas in your room.

Replace your broken or old lightbulbs

The last step that you can do to improve your lighting is to replace broken and old lightbulbs. There’s no other way to achieve beautiful aesthetics in your house without maintaining them. Change your old lightbulbs with a new ones, especially if you use them the most. If you notice that one of your lightbulbs is flickering, check it immediately to see the problem with them.

A well lit home for you

Lightening up your room does not always need to install many lighting fixtures in your room. You can achieve beautiful lighting in different ways. A well-lit room is truly a fantastic house project. It gives both satisfaction and relaxation when it is done correctly. And what a nice way to complete wonderful lighting is to match them with unique electrical outlet covers.

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