Are you thinking about investing in diamonds, are pink diamonds a wise decision? This rare and highly sought-after natural gem has seen consistent growth for over two decades.

Natural pink diamonds are pink diamonds a good investment primarily sourced from the Argyle mine in Western Australia, which is expected to close its doors by 2020, thus restricting their supply for the foreseeable future.

Carat Weight

Pink diamonds are among the rarest gemstones on Earth, making them increasingly expensive. At Argyle mine in Western Australia, where many of these gems can be found, a carat of pink diamond can cost up to 20 times its white counterpart.

Carat weight is a crucial factor in determining its value, and is the primary reason pink diamonds investment command such high prices. Furthermore, the higher the color intensity of a diamond, the more it will cost you.

As with any diamond, the value of a pink diamond is determined by its four Cs – color, clarity, cut and carat weight. Furthermore, as size increases, so too does its value; especially larger stones.

The Daria-I-Noor, an incredible 182-carat pink diamond mined in India, is widely regarded as the largest cut diamond ever created.


Pink diamonds are one of the world’s most stunning colors. These rare gems have an incredible value, second only to red diamonds in rarity and quality.

The price of a pink diamond is determined by four criteria, commonly referred to as the 4Cs: Carat weight, Color, Clarity and Cut. These factors have an immediate impact on their value which are assessed and set by an experienced gemstone appraiser.

Like all diamonds, the clarity of a pink diamond is evaluated under 10x magnification to determine whether it has any inclusions on its surface or inside. Only 7% of pink diamonds achieve an ideal clarity grade of Flawless or Internally Flawless, while most fall somewhere in between: Slightly Included or Included.

A pink diamond’s value is determined by its color, which is evaluated on a scale of hue, tone, and saturation. Each factor has an impact on the diamond’s value which is then assessed by gemological institutes according to an agreed-upon definition of hue, tone and saturation.


Pink diamonds come in an array of hues. They may be purplish, orange, yellow or brownish-purple.

Although secondary colors can add to a diamond’s value, they are not necessary for it to be considered beautiful. Instead, what matters most when considering color is its intensity and saturation?

Understanding this concept can be challenging, as each Fancy color grade has its own range of tone and saturation. Two fancy pink diamonds with similar intensity and strength may command vastly different prices!

To further investigate this phenomenon, GIA scientists utilized its extensive database of over 90,000 natural pink and related colored diamonds submitted to its grading laboratories from 2008-2016. Their comprehensive analysis was published in the winter 2018 issue of Gems & Gemology.


Pink diamonds are an elusive gemstone, representing love, femininity and luxury. They make stunning jewellery but come at a high cost.

Diamonds come in an array of sizes and shapes, such as heart, cushion, radiant, and pear cuts. The size of the diamond can have a significant influence on its value.

Similar to other colored diamonds, pink diamonds are graded according to their intensity. They can be classified as faint, very light, light, fancy light, fancy intense, fancy deep and fancy vivid.

The more saturated a color, the higher its price tag. You may also choose to enhance it with another complementary hue like brown, orange or purple for additional visual impact.


When purchasing a pink diamond, it’s essential to select an established vendor with excellent customer service and after-sales policies. GIA is one of the top gemological institutes, offering quality guarantees on their gemstones.

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